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Golf Illustrated

Entrepreneur Magazine

Contact Information
Corporate Office:
156 S. Charles Richard Beall Blvd.
Suite 5
DeBary, FL 32713
Mail To:
P.O. Box 530096
DeBary, Fl. 32753-0096

Phone: (386) 878-4023
Fax:     (386) 742-1938

Why Join BGN?

Corporate Partners

Business News

Join the Business Golfers Network
The Business Golfers Netwrok (BGN) offers various opportunities and benefits for your local, regional or national business. Joining BGN will provide you and your business with opportunities for increased business awareness, relationship building and sales. Membership in BGN provides professionals like you with the education, resources and networking opportunities you need to add value to your position and company.  Business Golfers Network is a business development organization that focuses on building business relationships and providing networking opportunities through business luncheons, business forums and golf events.

Community of like minded Business People
• Join a community of business people who love the game and want to network
• Increase exposure to your business and potential client base

Education for increased ability and credibility
• Education seminars, workshops and speakers addressing finance, marketing, business and communications topics
• Opportunities to enhance you leadership skills through service on the chapter board or committees

Business Networking Opportunities
• Organized monthly Business luncheon and networking opportunities with professionals from all business backgrounds
• Business networking and relationship building through participation in the monthly golf event

Resources to add value to your business & impact your Professional Career
• Communication resources, including your company logo and web link on the front page of the chapter website
• Your photo and company web link on the chapter website members page
• E-marketing opportunities

Professional Discounts
• Major Discounts on 4-Color Business Printing and Business Websites
• Discounts on Products and Services at participating businesses.

Golf Merchandise
• One-stop shopping for all your golf needs at discounted prices